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Video Editing Timeline

Our Programming

FACTS is proud to offer a range of programming.  Each program takes a unique hands on collaborative approach to training in various facets of the film industry.

Production Clinic Program

The Production Clinic is a one-stop shop for a music and film production experience like none other. Students explore several aspects of production including recording engineering, culinary, green screen, and more while ultimately producing their very own music video.

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Production Clinic
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Direct Connect Program

Through our "Direct Connect" program, students are able to take part in an immersive approach to learning film production all while taking part in "Real World" experiences such as Red Carpet interviews with celebrities, production planning, event planning, and much more.

Students interview Comedic Powerhouse, DL Hughley, the legendary, Scarface, LeSean "Shady" McCoy, and Dru Hill.
Direct Connect
Trade- OFF
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Trade- OFF Program

Trade is the backbone of film. No film set can exist without it.  The Trade-OFF Program is the intentional intersection between trade and the arts that allows students to explore the trade component of film that oftentimes takes a back seat.

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Summer STEAM Camp Programming

This video project was inspired by Beyonce's "Homecoming," and established to introduce and expose middle school students to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) while creating meaningful STEAM experiences that may in turn spark consideration in attending HBCU's in the future.

Summer programming designed by our FACTS experts utilizing film as a central focus for Project-Based Learning.

Learn more HERE

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